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Getting started

To see how Sql-operator works, you can install it and configure some examples.

Firstly, you'll need a Kubernetes cluster, kubectl and helm set-up

Installing Sql-operator

To get started quickly, you can use the helm chart which will install Sql-operator:

helm repo add sql-operator
helm install sql-operator --namespace sql-operator --create-namespace sql-operator/sql-operator


The examples will use an in-cluster database for demo simplicity. Please use the following command to install it.

helm repo add bitnami
helm install test-db \
    --namespace sql-operator-testdb --create-namespace \
    --set auth.rootPassword=n0tS3cur3 \
    --set primary.persistence.enabled=false \
    --set secondary.persistence.enabled=false \

Define an host you want to manage

First of, we will need to configure one or more SqlHost objects. These object are used by sql-operator to grab the endpoint and the correct credentials.

kubectl apply -f
kubectl get sqlhost


If you didn't install the in-cluster database, you can alter the manifest.

kubectl edit sqlhost sample-host

Create a database, user and grants

Not that we have a host defined, we can create our first assets.

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f

Let's verify our resources got created. (Password is n0tS3cur3)

kubectl exec -ti -n sql-operator-testdb test-db-mariadb-0 -- mysql -uroot -p -e 'show databases;'
kubectl exec -ti -n sql-operator-testdb test-db-mariadb-0 -- mysql -uroot -p -e 'select user from mysql.user;'
kubectl exec -ti -n sql-operator-testdb test-db-mariadb-0 -- mysql -uroot -p -e 'show grants for sample_username;'